CONGO (Republic)
Information for transportation, shipping documents, and importation. Transportation and shipping in Congo (Republic)
Kongo (Republik)
Brazzaville Popolazione
4.6 Mio. Lingue nazionali
Französisch (Amtssprache), andere Sprachen und Dialekte Valuta
Communauté Financière Africaine franc (XAF) Prodotto interno lordo (PIL)
USD 10.2 Mia. PIL pro capite
USD 2329 Cifra d’affari esportazioni in Svizzera
CHF 6.83 Mio.
Turnover imports from Switzerland
CHF 0.57 million.
Switzerland-Republic of Congo Bilateral Relations.
Relations between Switzerland and Congo (Brazzaville) are good but not very intense. Several agreements have been concluded for the cancellation and restructuring of the Republic of Congo’s debt.
Economic cooperation
Economic and trade exchanges between Switzerland and Congo (Brazaville) are modest. From Congo, Switzerland mainly imports agricultural and forestry products, while Swiss exports mainly concern chemical and pharmaceutical products, industrial machinery, electrical and electronic industry equipment as well as precision instruments and second-hand cars.
Contractual provisions
EU-Congo: included in autonomous generalized tariff preferences.
Contract of 9/13/1965 on the encouragement of mutual protection of capital investment.
Business languages
Weights and measures
Metric system
National currency 1 CFA franc (FCFA) = 100 centimes (c). ISO code: XAF
Customs Tariff
Harmonized system.
Import control
Import licensing: the import of EU goods is largely liberalized. Goods are only subject to so-called “automatic license allocation.” Individual import licenses are required for all other goods.
Goods must arrive at the port of destination within the validity of the license. General validity 1 year.
Business tax: 18%
Foreign payment transactions are liberalized; exchange rate is liberalized. The import license includes authorization to transfer the countervalue of the goods.
Pre-shipping inspection
As a general rule, for all goods with a FOB value of CFA francs 3,000,000 and above, a quality, quantity, and price check is required before shipment.
For any exceptions, please contact the company in charge of the check.
Payment terms and offers
Irrevocable letter of credit with confirmation order to your bank is strongly recommended. Transfers from CFRA countries are slow because € exchange is required first. Bids in € or other convertible currency.
French language bids; FOB European port or CIF Pointe Noire.
Indications of origin
Preserved fruits, vegetables and fish, cheese, butter, milk powder, cream and condensed milk should be marked with the country of origin. French is recommended for marking shipments. In this case, cases should be marked “Importé de Suisse,” where applicable.
There are no statutory regulations.
Packaging for Sea freight shipments. All materials that can introduce diseases into the country (e.g., hay, straw) are prohibited for packaging. Traditional “Swiss import” marking regulations (in English) are recommended.
Patterns and samples of goods
Exempt from customs duty if devoid of commercial value.
Shipping and accompanying documents
Traditional documents as well as:
(a) Commercial invoices (5 copies) with all traditional commercial particulars, including gross and net weight, FOB value, CIF costs and CIF value, terms of delivery, exact description of goods, etc., not authenticated. At the bottom of the invoice, the exporter should include the following signed statement: “Nous certifions que les prix indiqués ci-dessuss’accordent avec les prix courants sur la marché d’exportation”;
b) Certificate of origin only upon request. As country of origin, for example. “Suisse”;
c) No EUR 1 and/or EU movement certificate required;
d) Uncertified bills of lading; bills of lading are possible on order with return address;
e) Postal parcels and parcels with Air freight up to 20 kg: 1 postcard foreign package, 1 customs declaration in French.