Shipping, transport Switzerland and general information
Transport Switzerland
Transport Switzerland

Esportazione in Svizzera
List of communes of Switzerland
Map with the list of each municipality, complete with zip code, spoken language and possible supplement for disadvantaged areas (high mountain areas).
Various possibilities for a quick search.
languages German, French, Italian and Romansh
Swiss franc (CHF)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
USD 644 billion
GDP per capita
USD 77,000
Turnover exports from Switzerland
USD 296 billion
Turnover imports to Switzerland
USD 281 billion
Transport Switzerland
Economic relations with the EU
Bilateral agreements
Free trade agreements
Switzerland’s free trade policy aims to improve the framework conditions governing economic relations with certain economically important partners. The aim is to ensure that Swiss companies have access to international markets that is as free as possible from obstacles and discrimination compared to that enjoyed by their main competitors. Measures to open up foreign markets are particularly important in the Federal Council’s economic stabilisation policy.
The EFTA States also sign declarations of cooperation with some partners. These declarations presuppose an institutionalised dialogue on the possibilities for deepening economic relations which, at a later date, could lead to free trade negotiations.
Business languages
For transport Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh
Weights and measures
National currency Swiss franc (sfr) = 100 Rappen (Rp), Centimes (c).
ISO code: CHF
Customs tariff
For transport in Switzerland and shipments to the Confederation.
Harmonized system. Customs clearance usually based on gross weight.
Import control
More than 90% of goods imports are liberalised. The importer must obtain the authorisation for limited import (negative list). Low-voltage products must comply with Directives 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC. Pharmaceutical products require a Swissmedic registration. Small consignments of up to 20 kg may be imported without a licence, unless they are goods for which the weight limit is only 2.5 kg. Pay attention to the incentive tax for the import of goods subject to the VoC. Possible simplified customs declaration procedure for small consignments in the “e-dec-easy” declaration procedure. Small consignments are those with a maximum weight of 1,000 kg and a value of up to 1,000 CHF. There is no currency control, so the payment of the import of goods can take place without difficulty.
Business tax: 8%
Terms of payment and offers
Offers and invoices in €, CHF or US $ free free at frontier or free at home.
Indications of origin
Necessary for food and beverages.
In the same way, wood and wood products must bear the indication of the country of origin.
Marking / labelling
Traditional marking. Labelling must normally take place in at least one official Swiss language. The Federal Ministry of the Interior provides information on special labelling provisions for transport Switzerland.
For transport in Switzerland, wood packaging is subject to the ISPM standard no. 15, except for deliveries from the EU.
Models and samples of goods
Models of goods shall be exempt from customs duties if:
a) given their size (small sections of wood), presentation (such as buttons on cards, one piece for each type) or preparation (such as cancellation by stamp or holes) have no commercial value, or
(b) are imported for representation, verification or testing to place orders and do not exceed these limit values:
consumable products with a value of up to CHF 100 per sample;
the number of samples of the same type in a shipment does not matter; non-consumable products up to a value of CHF 100 for all types and qualities;
tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic products up to a value of CHF 100 per consignment; Wine only in sample bottles up to 3 dl, spirits only in sample bottles up to 2 dl (excluding single-portion bottles).
Shipments of advertising samples of goods intended for distribution for Swiss transport, even free of charge, to potential customers are subject to customs duties. ATA Carnet procedure allowed. Transport Switzerland
Shipping and accompanying documents
Typical documents, such as:
a) Commercial invoices (2 copies) with all typical indications, including country of origin, without authentication;
(b) Certificate of origin (simple) only on request by the consignee, indicate the country of origin;
c) For postal packages up to 31.5 kg: attach 1 foreign shipping note, 1 customs declaration (German/French/Italian), commercial invoices; with packages for airmail up to 20 kg foreign shipping slip, labeled “by air”.
(d) Movement certificate EUR. 1 for parcel shipments under the free trade agreement with the EU; including the pan-European cumulation agreement; for shipments with a value of goods exceeding € 6,000 use the EUR form. 1.
For the export of goods worth up to €6,000, the exporter must submit the following declaration on the invoice or other commercial document: “The exporter of the goods covered herein declares that, unless otherwise stated, the goods are of preferential origin … (indicate country of origin)”. Place and date, signature of exporter and name in block letters (Products from Ceuta and Melilla must be marked with the abbreviation “CM”). This provision shall not apply to agricultural products.
(f) The EU Unitary “Common Shipping Procedure” (NCTS) may be used. However, the proof of origin must be demonstrated in accordance with point (d).